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Many breeds genetically are predisposed to various health illnesses that can often be induced from the use of vaccines. Hypothyroid in the Irish Water Spaniel is a prime example.  The Irish Water Spaniel has a small gene pool and

 is NOT VOID OF HEALTH ISSUES.  Owners and breeders need to be aware of the use of vaccines in regards to affecting the IWS in an ill positive manner.  Hypothyroid is a good example for our breed. Jean Dodds DVM documents that hypothyroid usually occurs after the second or third Rabies Vaccine in dogs with genetic tendencies towards this disease.  I have had experience with the breed developing hypothyroid induced illness from Rabies vaccine.   

Again because of the small gene pool the IWS does have a tendency to vaccine and drug reactions.  Deaths of the IWS spaniel have been noted from the use of Sulfa drugs and anaphylactic shock after the use of the Leptospirosis vaccine. On that note vaccines are not to be taken lightly as routine procedure.  Your breeder knows best for your breed based on its genetic makeup. “NOT YOUR VETERINARIAN”.  Sometimes reactions are subtle and other times they may not show up until later in life.  The point is that

reactions can and do occur within our breed.  Are you willing to take the chance of chronic illness for the lifetime of the animal you so dearly love by injecting it with vaccines?  This is the ultimate question.

Studies have indicated that vaccines may actually stimulate an organism to become more susceptible to the disease in which it was vaccinated against.  Often these animals will not be able to fight off the disease as easily as animals that are exposed through Natural Exposure.  This is simply because the vaccine disease is injected directly into the largest organ of the body (the skin) without bypassing shields set up for protection.  This has also been well documented.  Viruses are everywhere so Natural exposure is inevitable.

But what about protecting the immature immune system of a young puppy?    Nosodes are an option but your greatest defense is to build a strong immune system to assist your puppy in fighting these diseases, instead of compromising their immune systems leaving them more vulnerable.  Diet plays a huge role as well as the optimum health of the parents and the environmental stress factors.  We do not always know

whether our IWS puppy is currently fighting a virus. The puppy could genetically be weaker within it’s immune system making it more susceptible.  Thus why compound additional stress by the addition of induced disease by vaccine use.

  Dr. Harold Buttram, vaccine researcher, theorized that vaccine induced immunity is a surprise attack which may burden the immune system ten times greater than a natural infection.  It is also important to note that research has proven that natural infections help to mature the immune system.

 The health of the offspring is in reflection to the health of the sire and dam upon conception. One is not always aware of chronic issues that may be suppressed and not showing signs and symptoms prior to breeding.  Reputable breeders can only do their best by providing adequate health certifications and becoming more in tune with their animals behaviors, signs and symptoms that are outside of the norm for their breed.  Often we have to

have the ability to look inside the believed norm for our breed to answer questions in a holistic manner.

We persoanlly do not support vaccine use. Should one decide upon vaccination the IWS club of America was nice enough to invite Dr Ronald Schultze to one of their National Specialties in order to speak on the matter of vaccines in regards to our breed. Dr Ronald Schultze, Professor & Chair of the Department of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who has studied animal immunity has concluded that if one chooses to vaccinate protocol recomended would be one dose of modified live distemper vaccine and one dose of modified live virus parvovirus vaccine. Both of these vaccines, given separately before one year of age (after inherited immunity of the dam) will successfully immunize 95% of animals for their entire lifetime.  The other 5% will in all probability not have any vaccine response no matter if the vaccines are repeated.  Further testing on the rabies vaccine conclude that one dose provide up to seven years immunity.

  Although adverse reactions can arise when only one vaccine is given, Dr Schultze states that they appear more frequently when several vaccines are given at once.  A 4-6 week interval between all vaccines is vital. It is imperitive that combination vaccines are avoided.

Canada does not have mandatory Rabies law but the U.S has some states/municipalities that require rabies booster be given every three years.  Know your rights on vaccines because exemption letters and vaccine titers are accepted in many States.  The amount of the rabies vaccine is also in question and some veterinarians are now giving 1/10 the standard amount of injectable vaccine.

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Note never vaccinate an animal within 4 months of undergoing any surgeries and Never vaccinate animals displaying chronic disease.  There is an awareness that autoimmune problems do occur in IWS’s and the better knowledge and protection we offer their immune systems the fewer cases of damage will occur.  I am not saying that disease will not occur within our breed if we do not vaccinate but what we must remind ourselves is that a healthy immune system is the dogs best defense.  Some dogs are genetically susceptible to disease whether we vaccinate or NOT!

Part 1

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